Cut to the good part at 4:12" in when Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges begins discussing how POWER is being arrested from the people in our democracy. He talks about the power of civil disobedience and what happened in the Occupy movement.

Rosa Parks 50 years ago refused to sit in the back of the bus and it took 5 years before real change was evident nationally. That was her political speech act.

It's your job to do some background work on who Hedges is, how influential he is and what he has been up to lately relative to the Obama adminsitration.

I am curious what you each know about Occupy and what you know about the points Hedges makes? How have you enacted your civil liberties to speak about political issues that matter to you in public (whether oral or written or artistic)? How have you to date enacted the power of your voice or influence. Give us an example no matter how small in the comment section.

This is optional but it's essential that we begin to share with one another as a group. 75 minutes in class is not enough.

An upcoming task that each of you will be responsible for is creating your own PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK (PLN) to develop your voice in an area that matters to you. That area may be related to your final political speech act but if you have no idea yet what area that might be, just start looking into an area that matters (i.e., fashion, literature, politics, health, finance, saving money, domestic abuse, etc.)
Here are two great resources for learning how to create a PLN. Be sure to Google the term on Wikipedia and get an overview of what a Personal Learning Network is:

SPECIAL REQUEST: I am looking for a blog facilitator or two from the course to post once a week on things related to our discussion and to coordinate this with me each week. This is perfect for someone who is not a technophobe but you do not need to KNOW IT ALL to do it. This is great for a self-starter